The purpose of this blog is to collect and share information about the present business environment and possible future business opportunities in North Korea.
Travelling to North Korea and doing business in North Korea is currently prohibited, however a new market and business opportunities will open up in North Korea after Unification or fundamental changes in North Korea's policy and attitude toward the world for attracting foreign investors and tourists.
Friday, December 29, 2017
통일이 되면 남한 사람들이 곧 바로 북한을 방문할 수 있을까?
Monday, December 25, 2017
Stalinist Utopia and Choco Pie
The soldier who crossed DMZ into South Korea in November was dreaming of having Choco Pie when he was in North Korea, and asked for some in hospital when receiving treatment for his wounds.
Choco Pie is a sweet chocolate pie originated from South Korea decades ago. According to "Business Insider", Millions of Choco Pies used to sell on North Korea's black market each month, before they were essentially banned in 2014.
The soldier will receive Choco Pie for life, confirms Orion, the South Korean manufacturer: "We sent the choco pies as a welcoming present to Oh, who came to Korea after going through hardship".
Choco Pie is a sweet chocolate pie originated from South Korea decades ago. According to "Business Insider", Millions of Choco Pies used to sell on North Korea's black market each month, before they were essentially banned in 2014.
The soldier will receive Choco Pie for life, confirms Orion, the South Korean manufacturer: "We sent the choco pies as a welcoming present to Oh, who came to Korea after going through hardship".
Friday, December 22, 2017
Rain shoes made in South Korea are the most popular products in North Korea.
Rain shoes made in South Korea are the most popular products in North Korea.
When it rains, all the streets are full of water because sewage facilities in North Korea are not good in North Korea.
In the summer many people need good rain shoes.
When it rains, all the streets are full of water because sewage facilities in North Korea are not good in North Korea.
In the summer many people need good rain shoes.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Most toys for children produced in North Korea are about wars and with low quality.
Most toys for children produced in North Korea are about wars.
The quality of the toys is not good. After the unification of Korea, North Korean young kids will be surprised to see the various kinds of high quality of toys produced in South Korea.
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Manmulsang is the most popular online shopping mall in North Korea.
Do they have also an online shopping mall in North Korea?
Yes, they do have.
Manmulsang is the most popular online shopping mall.
They sell 300 kinds of products through the online shopping mall.
Yes, they do have.
Manmulsang is the most popular online shopping mall.
They sell 300 kinds of products through the online shopping mall.
Friday, December 8, 2017
North Korean young women do not want to get married to military officers because of their low income.
North Korean young women do not want to get married to military officers because of their poor payments.
North Korean military officers have difficulty in getting married because young North Korean women turn their backs on young military officers. North Korean young women want to live in the city. If they married to military officers, they have no choice but to do farming and raise cows to survive.
Money talks even in North Korea. Business owners or those who get paid well are popular to North Korean young women.
North Korean military officers have difficulty in getting married because young North Korean women turn their backs on young military officers. North Korean young women want to live in the city. If they married to military officers, they have no choice but to do farming and raise cows to survive.
Money talks even in North Korea. Business owners or those who get paid well are popular to North Korean young women.
Monday, December 4, 2017
North Korean restaurants abroad are closing
There used to be many North Korean restaurants in North Eastern part of China, but recently, many of them are shutting down.
North Korea has conducted missile and nuke tests so frequently that it faces sanctions which results in this situation. Many joint ventures, cooperative companies between China and DPRK are also told to close. Trump has designated DPRK as a country that supports terrorism (indeed it is said that North Korea has been selling weapons to Iran and Pakistan).
Some say that all North Korean restaurants in China are supposed to be closed down by March 2018. According to tourists, you can watch the Korean girls singing traditional songs and enjoy Korean food. Many of those working in the restaurants have chosen to defect North Korea and some wish to live in China permanently although illegal.
North Korea has conducted missile and nuke tests so frequently that it faces sanctions which results in this situation. Many joint ventures, cooperative companies between China and DPRK are also told to close. Trump has designated DPRK as a country that supports terrorism (indeed it is said that North Korea has been selling weapons to Iran and Pakistan).
Some say that all North Korean restaurants in China are supposed to be closed down by March 2018. According to tourists, you can watch the Korean girls singing traditional songs and enjoy Korean food. Many of those working in the restaurants have chosen to defect North Korea and some wish to live in China permanently although illegal.
Friday, December 1, 2017
통일 이후 북한 부정부패 어떻게 해결할 수 있을까? (몽골의 부정부패 해결에서 배운다.)
북한은 지금 부정부패가 매우 심하다. 통일 이후 하루 아침에 이런 부정부패가 사라질까?
북한에서 사업을 하려는 사람들에게 부정부패는 가장 큰 방해물이 아닐까? 특히 미국인에게 있어서 부정부패는 이해하기 어려울 것이다.
몽골은 공산주의 국가에서 민주주의 국가로 변화를 한 국가이다. 몽골의 현재를 보면서 통일 이후 북한의 미래 모습를 볼 수 있지 않을까?
몽골은 1990년 구소련 붕괴 이후, 사회주의에서 민주공화제로 전환하는 과정에서 여러 사회.문화적 혼란을 겪기 시작했다. 그 중 하나가 몽골 전체에 만연된 부정부패이다. 몽골정부는 공무원의 비리나 부정부패의 심각성을 인식하고 1996년 “부패 방지에 관한 법”, 2002년 “부정부패 방지를 위한 국가 프로그램”을 각각 제정하고, 2007년 1월 11일 몽골 최초로 부정부패 방지를 위한 독립적인 기관인 부패방지청을 설립하였다. 그러나 몽골정부의 이러한 노력에도 불구하고 공무원들의 부정부패가 지속적으로 악화되고 있다.
몽골는 부정부패를 해결하기 위해서 어떻게 했는가?
몽골 공무원의 부정부패는 무엇보다 공무원 개인의 도덕 결여에서 비롯된 권력남용에서 시작한다는 점에서 개인적 도덕성을 높이려는 노력으로 올바른 사회인을 만들기 위해 몽골의 초・중동교육 체계를 재수립해야 한다. 특히 몽골 아이들에게 어렸을 때부터 강한 윤리의식을 심어주기 위하여 초・중・고등학교 교육프로그램 중 윤리교육프로그램의 비율을 높여야 한다.
북한에서도 초.중.고등학교 교육프로그램에서 윤리교육을 강화해야 하지 않을까?
공무원 교육으로 공무원의 사명감제고 및 자질향상에 기여할 수 있는 교육프로그램을 개발하고 적극적으로 활용해야 한다.
몽골 공무원들의 복지문제를 효과적으로 해결하는 대책을 마련해야 하며, 특히 지금의 매우 낮은 급여수준을 민간기업 수준 못지않게 올려주어야 한다. 또한 인사의 공정성 확보를 위하여 성과급 인사제도를 도입해야 한다.
부패방지청의 독립성을 확보해야 하며, 특히 가장 많이 부패된 것으로 인식되어 있는 고위 공무원들에 대한 공정한 처벌이 매우 중요하다. 또한 공무원들에게 부패행위에 대한 내부고발의 문화를 빠르게 정착시키기 위해서 신고자의 신분 안정을 확실히 보장할 필요가 있다.
북한도 공직사회의 부패행위를 용인하지 않으려는 태도야말로 조직 내의 부패행위를 줄이는 중요한 요소로써 부패행위에 대해서는 적극적으로 들춰내고 이에 대한 공식적・비공식적인 제재와 서로 감시하공 견제하는 분위기를 조성하는 것이 중요하다.
몽골은 부정부패에 대한 국민들의 의식수준이 매우 낮아 불건전한 시민문화가 널리 퍼져 있다. 몽골에는 공무원들에게 뇌물을 주고 그 대가를 바라는 분위기가 조성되어 있는 것이다. 이러한 불건전한 시민문화를 변화시키기 위해서는 사회 전체적으로 부정부패를 비판하는 분위기를 형성하기 위해 SNS, 언론매체 등을 통한 반부패홍보 외에는, 부정부패를 반대하는 비정부기관들의 국민의식 변화를 위한 적극적인 활동이 필요하다.
또한, 혈연, 학연, 지연이 지배하고 있는 몽골 공직사회에는 합리적인 절차나 정해진 규정이 무시되고, 공정한 경쟁 및 실질적인 평등이 어려움으로 이에 대한 감시시스템과 처벌을 강화해야 한다.
북한의 부정부패를 해결하는데 몽골 부정부패 해결 노력을 참고하면 좋겠다.
북한에서 사업을 하려는 사람들에게 부정부패는 가장 큰 방해물이 아닐까? 특히 미국인에게 있어서 부정부패는 이해하기 어려울 것이다.
몽골은 공산주의 국가에서 민주주의 국가로 변화를 한 국가이다. 몽골의 현재를 보면서 통일 이후 북한의 미래 모습를 볼 수 있지 않을까?
몽골은 1990년 구소련 붕괴 이후, 사회주의에서 민주공화제로 전환하는 과정에서 여러 사회.문화적 혼란을 겪기 시작했다. 그 중 하나가 몽골 전체에 만연된 부정부패이다. 몽골정부는 공무원의 비리나 부정부패의 심각성을 인식하고 1996년 “부패 방지에 관한 법”, 2002년 “부정부패 방지를 위한 국가 프로그램”을 각각 제정하고, 2007년 1월 11일 몽골 최초로 부정부패 방지를 위한 독립적인 기관인 부패방지청을 설립하였다. 그러나 몽골정부의 이러한 노력에도 불구하고 공무원들의 부정부패가 지속적으로 악화되고 있다.
몽골는 부정부패를 해결하기 위해서 어떻게 했는가?
몽골 공무원의 부정부패는 무엇보다 공무원 개인의 도덕 결여에서 비롯된 권력남용에서 시작한다는 점에서 개인적 도덕성을 높이려는 노력으로 올바른 사회인을 만들기 위해 몽골의 초・중동교육 체계를 재수립해야 한다. 특히 몽골 아이들에게 어렸을 때부터 강한 윤리의식을 심어주기 위하여 초・중・고등학교 교육프로그램 중 윤리교육프로그램의 비율을 높여야 한다.
북한에서도 초.중.고등학교 교육프로그램에서 윤리교육을 강화해야 하지 않을까?
공무원 교육으로 공무원의 사명감제고 및 자질향상에 기여할 수 있는 교육프로그램을 개발하고 적극적으로 활용해야 한다.
몽골 공무원들의 복지문제를 효과적으로 해결하는 대책을 마련해야 하며, 특히 지금의 매우 낮은 급여수준을 민간기업 수준 못지않게 올려주어야 한다. 또한 인사의 공정성 확보를 위하여 성과급 인사제도를 도입해야 한다.
부패방지청의 독립성을 확보해야 하며, 특히 가장 많이 부패된 것으로 인식되어 있는 고위 공무원들에 대한 공정한 처벌이 매우 중요하다. 또한 공무원들에게 부패행위에 대한 내부고발의 문화를 빠르게 정착시키기 위해서 신고자의 신분 안정을 확실히 보장할 필요가 있다.
북한도 공직사회의 부패행위를 용인하지 않으려는 태도야말로 조직 내의 부패행위를 줄이는 중요한 요소로써 부패행위에 대해서는 적극적으로 들춰내고 이에 대한 공식적・비공식적인 제재와 서로 감시하공 견제하는 분위기를 조성하는 것이 중요하다.
몽골은 부정부패에 대한 국민들의 의식수준이 매우 낮아 불건전한 시민문화가 널리 퍼져 있다. 몽골에는 공무원들에게 뇌물을 주고 그 대가를 바라는 분위기가 조성되어 있는 것이다. 이러한 불건전한 시민문화를 변화시키기 위해서는 사회 전체적으로 부정부패를 비판하는 분위기를 형성하기 위해 SNS, 언론매체 등을 통한 반부패홍보 외에는, 부정부패를 반대하는 비정부기관들의 국민의식 변화를 위한 적극적인 활동이 필요하다.
또한, 혈연, 학연, 지연이 지배하고 있는 몽골 공직사회에는 합리적인 절차나 정해진 규정이 무시되고, 공정한 경쟁 및 실질적인 평등이 어려움으로 이에 대한 감시시스템과 처벌을 강화해야 한다.
북한의 부정부패를 해결하는데 몽골 부정부패 해결 노력을 참고하면 좋겠다.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Economic Comparison: North VS South Korea
Since the establishment of DPRK, North Korea in 1948, the regime has obsessed in economic competition with South Korea, until its failure after 2 decades.
Nowadays the ratio of Gross Domestic Product (GDP, a monetary measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a period of time within a country) between North and South Korea is around 1 : 20.
At the time when East and West Germany was unified, the economic ratio was merely 1 : 8, which raises the question for a proper solution to shrink the gap before the ultimate unification of Korea.
Nowadays the ratio of Gross Domestic Product (GDP, a monetary measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a period of time within a country) between North and South Korea is around 1 : 20.
At the time when East and West Germany was unified, the economic ratio was merely 1 : 8, which raises the question for a proper solution to shrink the gap before the ultimate unification of Korea.
University Student's Group for Unification (통일대학생동아리연합), a united group of 9 school clubs representing 9 universities in South Korea
Some South Korean college students and some college students who were former North Korean refugees organized a united group of 9 school clubs representing 9 universities in South Korea.
The official name of the group is "University Student's Group for Unification (통일대학생동아리연합)".
Even though their majors at universities are different and they are attending different universities, there is one common thing between them. They get together to be friends to each other and discuss the ways toward the harmonious unification of Korea.The list of members of "University Student's Group for Unification".
The Catholic University of Korea (가톨릭대학교),
Korea University (고려대학교),
Dongguk University (동국대학교),
Sogang University (서강대학교),
Sookmyung Women's University (숙명여자대학교),
Yonsei University (연세대학교),
Chungang University (중앙대학교),
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (한국외국어대학교),
Hanyang University (한양대학교)
They participate in volunteer service at the Seoul National Cemetery. They meet regularly four times a year and enjoy sports games together such as skiing.
I think this is a good sample of the harmonious unification of Korea. Such group activities of college students will have a great influence on spreading the idea of Korea's harmonious unification.
"University Student's Group for Unification" participated in a Forum hosted by "the Institute for Peace Affairs" to discuss the unification of Korean Peninsula.
South Korean college students and college students who were former North Korean refugees held a meeting whose topic is "Let us talk about the unification of Korea".
"University Student's Group for Unification" hosted indoor sports games for members to be more intimate with each other.
"University Student's Group for Unification" received an award from Korea National Cemetery because of its dedicated volunteer service for the cemetery.
Members of "University Student's Group for Unification" took pictures in front of Korea National Cemetery. The cemetery was established for veterans who died in Korean independence Movement under the Japanese Colonial Rule, Korean War, and Vietnam War.
Sources of Pictures: Jae Duk Seo, Vice-President of "University Student's Group for Unification"
Animation GIF image: Susie Han (Susie Maria Han), Woodbridge High School, Irvine, California
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Bribery culture in North Korea ruins North Korean economy.
Bribery culture in North Korea ruins North Korean economy.
While black markets in North Korea become popular, bribery culture is rising throughout North Korea. North Koreans must submit bribery to North Korean regime to do business in the black market. Bribery culture in North Korea will not easily disappear even after the unification of Korea.
While black markets in North Korea become popular, bribery culture is rising throughout North Korea. North Koreans must submit bribery to North Korean regime to do business in the black market. Bribery culture in North Korea will not easily disappear even after the unification of Korea.
Friday, November 24, 2017
추운 겨울에 북한에서 따뜻한 내복이 필요 (Winter underwears in North Korea for the cold winter)
한국에 살 때 겨울 마다 집에서 내복을 입었다. 학교에 갈 때도 얇은 내복을 입었었다. 내복이 얇지만 정말 따뜻했던 기억이 난다. 너무 추운 날씨에는 내복도 입고, 이블도 두 겹으로 해서 잠을 잤었다. 서울의 겨울도 이 정도로 추운데, 북한의 추위는 상상 이상이 아닐까?
북한에도 당연히 내복이 있을 것이다. 북한은 북쪽에 있으니 당연히 북한은 겨울에 몹시 춥다. 추운 겨울을 이겨내려면 북한 주민은 따뜻한 내복이 필요할 것이다.
북한에서는 내복을 충분히 생산하고 있을까?
북한의 내복은 품질이 좋을까?
북한 어린이들이 입을 내복이 부족하다고 들었다. 통일이 되면 남한에서 생산한 따뜻한 내복이 잘 팔릴 것 같다.
그러나 만약 통일 이후에 북한 주민의 복지향상을 위해서 꽁짜로 내복을 지급한다면, 내복 생산업체는 돈을 많이 벌 수 있지만, 내복 장사는 망하지 않을까?
한반도 통일 이후에 무상으로 지급될 상품을 판매하면 안될 것 같다.
무상으로 지급될 가능성이 높은 상품은 무엇이 있을까?
북한에도 당연히 내복이 있을 것이다. 북한은 북쪽에 있으니 당연히 북한은 겨울에 몹시 춥다. 추운 겨울을 이겨내려면 북한 주민은 따뜻한 내복이 필요할 것이다.
북한에서는 내복을 충분히 생산하고 있을까?
북한의 내복은 품질이 좋을까?
북한 어린이들이 입을 내복이 부족하다고 들었다. 통일이 되면 남한에서 생산한 따뜻한 내복이 잘 팔릴 것 같다.
그러나 만약 통일 이후에 북한 주민의 복지향상을 위해서 꽁짜로 내복을 지급한다면, 내복 생산업체는 돈을 많이 벌 수 있지만, 내복 장사는 망하지 않을까?
한반도 통일 이후에 무상으로 지급될 상품을 판매하면 안될 것 같다.
무상으로 지급될 가능성이 높은 상품은 무엇이 있을까?
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
한반도 통일 이후에 빛을 볼 유망한 대학 전공은 무엇이 있을까? (Promising college majors after the unification of Korea)
한국 통일 이후 괜찮은 대학 전공
한국은 언제 통일이 될까?
알 수 없다.
누가 알까? 다음 달에 갑자기 통일이 될지......
한반도 통일 이후에 빛을 볼 유망한 대학 전공은 무엇이 있을까?
또 어떤 전공이 좋을까?
한국은 언제 통일이 될까?
알 수 없다.
누가 알까? 다음 달에 갑자기 통일이 될지......
한반도 통일 이후에 빛을 볼 유망한 대학 전공은 무엇이 있을까?
- 자원개발학과: 북한에는 천연자원 (Natural resources)이 많다. 자원을 개발하는 인력이 많이 필요하지 않을까?
- 산림학과: 북한 사람들이 땔감으로 산의 나무를 많이 베어서 산에 나무가 많이 없다. 통일이 되면 산에 나무를 많이 심어야 하지 않을까?
- 교육학과: 북한과 남한은 교육 (Education) 수준의 차이가 많다. 선생님이 아주 많이 필요하지 않을까? 남한과 북한의 용어가 많이 다르다. 북한에는 Native 영어 선생님이 거의 없다. 북한의 영어 교육은 아주 부실하지 않을까? 국어교육학과와 영어교육학과가 인기가 많을 것 같다.
- 건축학과와 토목공학과: 북한의 건물은 너무 낙후되어 있다. 도로, 철로, 다리도 대부분 엉망이다.
- 신학과: 종교의 자유 (Freedom of religion)로 목사님이 많이 필요하지 않을까?
또 어떤 전공이 좋을까?
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
한국 통일 이후의 영어 교육 사업 (Business for English education after the unification of Korea)
남한은 입시 때문에 영어, 수학 학원이 아주 번창해 있다.
나도 한국에서 중학교를 다닐 때 동네에 있는 수학 학원을 2개월 정도 다녔던 기억이 있다. 문제 예제만 한 두개 풀어주고, 각자 알아서 문제를 풀도록 했다. 그러면 차라리 집에서 혼자 풀어도 되지 않을까? 그래서 2개월 정도 다닌 후 수학 학원을 더 이상 다니지는 않았다.
한국이 통일된 이후에 교육 사업 (Education Business)는 어떻게 될까?
영어는 세계와 대화를 하기 위해서는 꼭 필요한 엉어이다. 과거에는 러시아어도 한 몫을 했지만 지금의 러시아는 과거의 러시아 처럼 강하지 못하다.
북한도 이제는 영어를 잘 해야만 세계와 소통할 수 있게 되었다. 중국인들도 영어 열풍이 대단하다고 들었다.
지금 북한에는 영어 선생 (English Teacher)를 구하지 못해서 난리가 났다. UN과 미국의 경제 제재로 북한에 있던 영국에서 파견한 영어 선생님들이 모두 떠났다. 영국은 유일하게 북한에 영어 선생님을 보냈던 국가인데, 이제 더 이상 보내지 않는다. 북한에서 영어 선생님을 찾기는 이제 하늘의 별따기가 되었다.
한국 통일 이후에 영어 선생님이 많이 필요하지 않을까?
대학에서 영어 교육학 (English Education)을 전공하면 통일 이후에 북한의 학교에서 선생님을 할 수도 있고, 학원 선생님과 같은 직업을 쉽게 찾을 수 있지 않을까?
더구나 미국에서 영어를 배웠다면 더욱 인기 있고 귀한 영어 선생님으로 인정받지 않을까?
나도 한국에서 중학교를 다닐 때 동네에 있는 수학 학원을 2개월 정도 다녔던 기억이 있다. 문제 예제만 한 두개 풀어주고, 각자 알아서 문제를 풀도록 했다. 그러면 차라리 집에서 혼자 풀어도 되지 않을까? 그래서 2개월 정도 다닌 후 수학 학원을 더 이상 다니지는 않았다.
한국이 통일된 이후에 교육 사업 (Education Business)는 어떻게 될까?
영어는 세계와 대화를 하기 위해서는 꼭 필요한 엉어이다. 과거에는 러시아어도 한 몫을 했지만 지금의 러시아는 과거의 러시아 처럼 강하지 못하다.
북한도 이제는 영어를 잘 해야만 세계와 소통할 수 있게 되었다. 중국인들도 영어 열풍이 대단하다고 들었다.
지금 북한에는 영어 선생 (English Teacher)를 구하지 못해서 난리가 났다. UN과 미국의 경제 제재로 북한에 있던 영국에서 파견한 영어 선생님들이 모두 떠났다. 영국은 유일하게 북한에 영어 선생님을 보냈던 국가인데, 이제 더 이상 보내지 않는다. 북한에서 영어 선생님을 찾기는 이제 하늘의 별따기가 되었다.
한국 통일 이후에 영어 선생님이 많이 필요하지 않을까?
대학에서 영어 교육학 (English Education)을 전공하면 통일 이후에 북한의 학교에서 선생님을 할 수도 있고, 학원 선생님과 같은 직업을 쉽게 찾을 수 있지 않을까?
더구나 미국에서 영어를 배웠다면 더욱 인기 있고 귀한 영어 선생님으로 인정받지 않을까?
Kim Jong Un ordered to return to all the workers in restaurants run by North Korean regime as well as labors hired by Chinese companies.
Kim Jong Un ordered to return to all the workers in restaurants run by North Korean regime as well as labors hired by Chinese companies.
Because of sanction from the UN and the USA, all the labors and workers are not allowed to work in China. Kim Jong Un has lost some important sources to earn foreign currency from China.
Kim Jong Un must choose one between nuclear weapons and economic exchange with the outside world. Which one is better for Kim Jong Un?
Because of sanction from the UN and the USA, all the labors and workers are not allowed to work in China. Kim Jong Un has lost some important sources to earn foreign currency from China.
Kim Jong Un must choose one between nuclear weapons and economic exchange with the outside world. Which one is better for Kim Jong Un?
Monday, November 20, 2017
It is difficult to get eye-glasses in North Korea.
It is difficult to get eye-glasses in North Korea. In North Korea only high-rank officials and scholars can wear eye-glasses.
North Korea produces eye-glasses made of glasses. You can hardly find eye-glasses made of plastic in North Korea.
Eye-glasses is not enough and its quality is not good for eyes. The old need eye-glasses that have magnifying functions, but it is not easy to get reading glasses in North Korea.
North Korea produces eye-glasses made of glasses. You can hardly find eye-glasses made of plastic in North Korea.
Eye-glasses is not enough and its quality is not good for eyes. The old need eye-glasses that have magnifying functions, but it is not easy to get reading glasses in North Korea.
70 percent of North Korean bicycle is produced by the joint venture between Chinese and North Korean company.
70 percent of North Korean bicycle is produced by the joint ventures between Chinese and North Korean company.
Is good the quality of bicycles produced in North Korea?
Bicycles are so popular in North Korea.
I think they are short of oil.
Is good the quality of bicycles produced in North Korea?
Bicycles are so popular in North Korea.
I think they are short of oil.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
How to help rescue North Korea refugees and how to help North Korean defectors' resettlement in the USA
How to help rescue North Korea refugees.
How to help North Korean defectors' resettlement in the USA.

Every time you purchase at AmazonSmile, you can help North Korean refugees.

It is very simple.

Have you heard of AmazonSmile?

Firstly, search "North Korean Refugees in the United States" at amazon smile.
Pick your own charitable organizations: "North Korean refugees in the United States"
And Search

Select "North Korean Refugees in the United States"

Then, your donations will be automatically submitted to help North Korean refugees every time you shop at AmazonSmile.

Isn't it simple?
NKinUSA (North Korean refugees in the United States) in a non-profit organization, based in Washington, DC, which aims to help North Korean refugees escape safely from North Korea through China, assist with the resettlement of refugees currently living in the United States, and spread awareness about the persecution and severe human rights crisis of the North Korean people.
If you buy a 25 dollar T-shirt, then all funds raised will go directly to save North Korean refugees in the United States of America.
You can buy the shirt at the following website.
The size of T-Shirts are Small, Medium, Large, and X Large.

Paypal or Check
NKinUSA (North Korean Refugees in the United States) hosts musical concerts in the Spring every year to raise funds for North Korean refugees. The music concert is called "Hope of Spring". Through the musical concerts, NKinUSA is raising a fund to rescue North Korean refugees safely from North Korea.
NKinUSA was founded by former North Korean defectors so that they know what kinds of pains and persecution North Koreans have been going through and what North Korean refugees and defectors really need.
NKinUSA is organizing many kinds of fundraising events. Even if you are unable to attend such various kinds of fundraising events, you can help North Korean refugees.

If you want to support North Korean refugees and defectors in the United States, then you can send money directly to NKinUSA by "Paypal" or checks to NKinUSA.
2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW #168
Washington DC, 20006

How to help North Korean defectors' resettlement in the USA.

Every time you purchase at AmazonSmile, you can help North Korean refugees.

It is very simple.

Have you heard of AmazonSmile?
Firstly, search "North Korean Refugees in the United States" at amazon smile.
Pick your own charitable organizations: "North Korean refugees in the United States"
And Search
Select "North Korean Refugees in the United States"
Then, your donations will be automatically submitted to help North Korean refugees every time you shop at AmazonSmile.
Isn't it simple?
NKinUSA (North Korean refugees in the United States) in a non-profit organization, based in Washington, DC, which aims to help North Korean refugees escape safely from North Korea through China, assist with the resettlement of refugees currently living in the United States, and spread awareness about the persecution and severe human rights crisis of the North Korean people.
If you buy a 25 dollar T-shirt, then all funds raised will go directly to save North Korean refugees in the United States of America.
You can buy the shirt at the following website.
The size of T-Shirts are Small, Medium, Large, and X Large.
Paypal or Check
NKinUSA (North Korean Refugees in the United States) hosts musical concerts in the Spring every year to raise funds for North Korean refugees. The music concert is called "Hope of Spring". Through the musical concerts, NKinUSA is raising a fund to rescue North Korean refugees safely from North Korea.
NKinUSA was founded by former North Korean defectors so that they know what kinds of pains and persecution North Koreans have been going through and what North Korean refugees and defectors really need.
NKinUSA is organizing many kinds of fundraising events. Even if you are unable to attend such various kinds of fundraising events, you can help North Korean refugees.

If you want to support North Korean refugees and defectors in the United States, then you can send money directly to NKinUSA by "Paypal" or checks to NKinUSA.
2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW #168
Washington DC, 20006

Friday, November 17, 2017
North Korean domestic produces is occupying 50% of the market in North Korea.
North Korean domestic produces is occupying 50% of the market in North Korea.
Because of the sanctions from the United States and the UN, North Korean products lost its overseas markets.
Some of these products are produced by Kim Jong Un's enterprises to generate more income for his regime. Private companies in North Korea have started to lower their prices to compete with Kim Jong Un's enterprises.
Because of the sanctions from the United States and the UN, North Korean products lost its overseas markets.
Some of these products are produced by Kim Jong Un's enterprises to generate more income for his regime. Private companies in North Korea have started to lower their prices to compete with Kim Jong Un's enterprises.
40.5 percent of North Koreans still use traditional toilets
40.5 percent of North Koreans still use traditional toilets (squat toilets) by digging a hole in the ground.
30 percent of residents in Pyongyang use traditional toilets. The sanitation of toilets is below average.
Some people cannot use western toilets because the pressure of water is too low. Those who are living in the higher level of apartments use plastic bags to discard excrement.
What they need?
30 percent of residents in Pyongyang use traditional toilets. The sanitation of toilets is below average.
Some people cannot use western toilets because the pressure of water is too low. Those who are living in the higher level of apartments use plastic bags to discard excrement.
What they need?
- High pressure of water
- Western toilets
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Top class hotels in North Korea issue hand-written receipts to guests
Top class hotels in North Korea issue hand-written receipts to guests when they leave hotels.
Facilities of the top class hotels in North Korea might meet the international standard, but when you look into the hotels in detail, they are still far behind the international standard.
Facilities of the top class hotels in North Korea might meet the international standard, but when you look into the hotels in detail, they are still far behind the international standard.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Amusement parks in Pyongyang need repairing and their facilities are too rusty.
Amusement parks in Pyongyang need repairing and their facilities are too rusty. The facilities in the amusement parks need repairing. Staffs were checking the facilities with hammers.
The restrooms in the amusements park are so dirty.
I hope Disneyland will open its new amusement park in North Korea after the unification of Korea as a symbol of peace and harmony.
The restrooms in the amusements park are so dirty.
I hope Disneyland will open its new amusement park in North Korea after the unification of Korea as a symbol of peace and harmony.
The price to get access to the internet at hotels in Pyongyang, North Korea is USD 5 per 30 minutes.
Internet access in North Korea is allowed only to foreign travelers and high-rank officials.
How much do foreign travelers have to pay to get access to internet?
The price to get access to the internet at hotels in Pyongyang, North Korea is USD 5 per 30 minutes.
The price decreased since 2012. The number of hotels who allow internet access is increasing in North Korea.
After the unification of Korea, ordinary North Koreans will be surprised when they realize that they can get any information from Google.
How much do foreign travelers have to pay to get access to internet?
The price to get access to the internet at hotels in Pyongyang, North Korea is USD 5 per 30 minutes.
The price decreased since 2012. The number of hotels who allow internet access is increasing in North Korea.
After the unification of Korea, ordinary North Koreans will be surprised when they realize that they can get any information from Google.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
What are the top 10 exports from North Korea?
What are the top 10 exports from North Korea?
1. Mineral fuels including oil
2. Clothing, accessories
3. Ores, Slag, Ash
4. Fish
5. Knit or Crochet clothing
6. Electrical machinery
7. Iron, Steel
8. Fruits
9. Machinery including computers
10. Zinc
1. Mineral fuels including oil
2. Clothing, accessories
3. Ores, Slag, Ash
4. Fish
5. Knit or Crochet clothing
6. Electrical machinery
7. Iron, Steel
8. Fruits
9. Machinery including computers
10. Zinc
Monday, November 13, 2017
The most popular stationary is "Suji Pencil", so to speak, lead pencil.
The most popular stationary is "Suji Pencil". South Koreans call "Suji Pencil" as "lead pencil" or "Sharp mechanical pencil".
It is a pencil with a replaceable and mechanically extended solid lead. The sound of "Suji" is very similar to my name, Susie. 😊
It is a pencil with a replaceable and mechanically extended solid lead. The sound of "Suji" is very similar to my name, Susie. 😊
The name of "Suji pencil" is not familiar to me. South Korean young students do not understand what "Suji pencils" are either. South Korean students and North Korean students use the same languages, but it will not be easy to communicate with each other.
I prefer sharp mechanical pencil to ordinary pencil. I do not know the quality of sharp mechanical pencil made in North Korea.
I prefer sharp mechanical pencil to ordinary pencil. I do not know the quality of sharp mechanical pencil made in North Korea.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
North Korea is exporting fake watches and labors to Middle-east countries.
North Korea is exporting fake watches and labors to Middle-east countries.
North Korea is diversifying markets from Asian to Middle-east countries to earn foreign money. Who buys such face watches? Somebody who looks rich by wearing such fake watches.
I think fake watches might be popular to people in the Middle East who want to pretend to be rich.
I do not know the fake watches are good in quality.
North Korea is diversifying markets from Asian to Middle-east countries to earn foreign money. Who buys such face watches? Somebody who looks rich by wearing such fake watches.
I think fake watches might be popular to people in the Middle East who want to pretend to be rich.
I do not know the fake watches are good in quality.
North Korea produced 100,000 laptops a year.
North Korea produced 100,000 laptops a year.
North Korea imports parts from overseas to make laptops. The laptop in the picture below does not look good in quality even though I have not yet tried it.
North Korea makes nuclear weapons, but they cannot make necessary parts by themselves.
North Korea imports parts from overseas to make laptops. The laptop in the picture below does not look good in quality even though I have not yet tried it.
North Korea makes nuclear weapons, but they cannot make necessary parts by themselves.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Solar energy is popular in North Korea because North Korea is short of electricity.
Solar energy is popular in North Korea because North Korea is short of electricity.
North Korean use solar energy to protect the environments?
They are short of electricity.
North Korean regime cannot produce sufficient electricity.
100,000 houses use solar energy.
North Korean people do not rely on their regime to get foods and electricity.
North Korean use solar energy to protect the environments?
They are short of electricity.
North Korean regime cannot produce sufficient electricity.
100,000 houses use solar energy.
North Korean people do not rely on their regime to get foods and electricity.
Friday, November 10, 2017
North Korea imports a lot of used cars about to be discarded.
North Korea imports a lot of used cars about to be discarded.
Why do they import such useless cars?
They disassemble the used cars and collect parts to fix the other used cars in North Korea. Isn't it dangerous to use parts from used cars?
After the unification of Korea automobile industry will grow very fast because North Koreans will buy new cars.
Why do they import such useless cars?
They disassemble the used cars and collect parts to fix the other used cars in North Korea. Isn't it dangerous to use parts from used cars?
After the unification of Korea automobile industry will grow very fast because North Koreans will buy new cars.
Railroads and trains are too old to use in North Korea.
Railroads and trains are too old to use in North Korea.
Facility conditions of trains are so serious in North Korea. Windows in the trains were stolen or broken. Seats in the trains were burned out for passengers to warm them.
After the unification of Korea trucks are faster than railroads to provide foods and essential supplies to North Koreans because railroads need repairing.
There are 10 major lines in North Korea.
Hambuk Line
Kangwon Line
Manpo Line
Paektusan Chongnyon Line
Pyongbu Line
Pyongdok Line
Pyongnam Line
Pyonggra Line
Pyongui Line
Facility conditions of trains are so serious in North Korea. Windows in the trains were stolen or broken. Seats in the trains were burned out for passengers to warm them.
After the unification of Korea trucks are faster than railroads to provide foods and essential supplies to North Koreans because railroads need repairing.
There are 10 major lines in North Korea.
Hambuk Line
Kangwon Line
Manpo Line
Paektusan Chongnyon Line
Pyongbu Line
Pyongdok Line
Pyongnam Line
Pyonggra Line
Pyongui Line
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Entry permit to an apartment is on market for sale in North Korea
In North Korea all the properties belong to North Korean regime and North Korean people are allowed to live in those apartment with a few am...
North Korean young women do not want to get married to military officers because of their poor payments. North Korean military officers ha...
It takes one year to obtain a driver's license in North Korea. Those who want to be drivers must accept a recommendation from North Ko...