How many taxes in Pyongyang?
There are 6000 taxes in Pyongyang.
How much is the cost to use taxes in Pyongyang?
0.5 dollar per 1 km
How much is the private tutor in Pyongyang?
160 to 200 Chinese Yuan per month.
It is almost equal to 22 dollars to 30 dollars.
It is a high amount of pay in Pyongyang.
There are 6000 taxes in Pyongyang.
How much is the cost to use taxes in Pyongyang?
0.5 dollar per 1 km
How much is the private tutor in Pyongyang?
160 to 200 Chinese Yuan per month.
It is almost equal to 22 dollars to 30 dollars.
It is a high amount of pay in Pyongyang.
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