Saturday, November 16, 2019

It takes one year to obtain a driver's license in North Korea.

It takes one year to obtain a driver's license in North Korea.
Those who want to be drivers must accept a recommendation from North Korean regime and attend driving school for about one year.

Driver's licenses are considered professional skills in North Korea.  Drivers can go to any places in North Kores so that they are able to catch popularity and they are so respected professions.

If drivers are arrested for drinking or violating traffic laws, North Korean police make a hole in the driver's license. If the holes become five (5), then drivers lose their license.

After the unification of Korea, many new or used cars will be imported to North Korea and driving schools will be a good business in North Korea.

Monday, November 11, 2019

In 2018 about 200,000 foreign tourists visited North Korea

In 2018 about 200,000 foreign tourists visited North Korea.
Among them, 90 percent was from China.

Kim Jong Un is interested in developing Wonsan and Galma Ocean Tourism Area including Masikryong Ski Resort because the tourism business in North Korea is not restricted by the USA.

After the unification of Korea, North Korea will be the hottest place for foreign tourists.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My grandmother was in the middle of Korean War in 1950

My grandmother, Bong Ja Han, passed away a few days ago.

She was in the middle of Korean War in 1950. At that time she was attending Daejon teacher's school to become an elementary school teacher.

She had to quit her studying and escaped on foot from her home to her grandfather's house located in Goheung. I understand it took many days and nights because she had to walk toward Geheung from Daejeon on foot.

I hope there will be no war again in Korean Peninsula.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

북한에서 사업하면서 정보를 수집하거나 해외로 넘길 경우

알렉 시글리라는 호주인이 북한에서 추방당했다. 그는 북한 김일성대학교 대학원에서 공부도 하면서 북한여행 전문 여행사를 운영했다. 그런데 이 호주인이 북한에서 정보를 수집해서 해외로 넘겼다는 이유로 체포되었다가 추방당했다.

알렉 시글리는 평소에 북한의 사진과 북한에 대한 글을 SNS에 올렸다. 이 것은 아무런 문제가 되지 않았다. 그런데 알렉 시글리는 북한에 대해서 부정적인 기사를 올리는 매체에 사진을 제공했다. 이 것은 북한의 입장에서 체포할 이유가 되었다.

만약 북한에서 사업을 하다가 북한에 대한 정보를 수집하거나 해외로 그 정보를 넘기면 이렇게 체포되고 추방당할 수 있다.
만약 추방당하면 북한의 재산, 집, 돈도 모두 북한에 몰수될 수도 있지 않을까?

Saturday, January 19, 2019

There are 6000 taxes in Pyongyang and 0.5 dollar per 1 km

How many taxes in Pyongyang?
There are 6000 taxes in Pyongyang.

How much is the cost to use taxes in Pyongyang?

0.5 dollar per 1 km

How much is the private tutor in Pyongyang?
160 to 200 Chinese Yuan per month.
It is almost equal to 22 dollars to 30 dollars.
It is a high amount of pay in Pyongyang.

Entry permit to an apartment is on market for sale in North Korea

In North Korea all the properties belong to North Korean regime and North Korean people are allowed to live in those apartment with a few am...